Saturday, December 12, 2020

The 'War' on Christmas

by Steven B. Orkin

Let’s jump right out of the gate on this:


It’s a fabricated issue. A myth. Indeed, this rhetoric is nothing but a deeply ignorant, dangerously divisive, and impressively delusional exercise in inflammatory paranoia and propaganda. ‘Happy Holidays’ (HH) and ‘Season’s Greetings’ (SG) are NOT harbingers of an insidious plot to kill Santa and eliminate ‘Merry Christmas’ (MC) from the global vernacular. They are NOT weapons of religious persecution, sanitization, and destruction.

They ARE warm, courteous, inclusive phrases that address the fact that not everyone celebrates Christmas.1 That’s it. That’s the sum of their2 meaning and purpose.

“I don’t understand what ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Season’s Greetings’ are supposed to mean!” cry some naysayers. “‘Happy Holidays’ can be any holiday! It could be Valentine’s Day, Arbor Day, 4th of July! Why don’t we just say it all year?! And ‘Season’s Greetings’ can be any season! Why don’t we say it in Spring, Summer, and Fall, too!?”

To which I respond, “Why don’t we?” and “Sounds like a great idea!” This kind of lamebrained commentary3 leads us to an Orkin’s Law:

Orkin’s Law of Premeditated Denseness4: Avoiding facts, manipulating information, and otherwise being deliberately obtuse to justify your own position is not a valid ideological path.

It doesn’t take a PhD in Sociology to figure out that if someone is saying HH/SG to you during a period of time in which there are major holidays observed by various religions, that they’re referring to those holidays or that season, specifically. They don’t know what religion you are. They don’t know if you’re going to be offended by someone wishing you MC if you don’t celebrate Christmas. They defaulted to HH/SG to cover all the bases. That’s not offensive. It’s CONSIDERATE!

Let me tell you what IS offensive. The arrogant, entitled, anti-HH/SG attitude of “I celebrate CHRISTMAS!” There’s obviously nothing wrong with stating that you celebrate Christmas if someone asks you or in some other contextually relevant context but to declare it in defiance of HH/SG is rude, arrogant, and ignorant.

If you have expressed such a sentiment, consider this: Let’s say we have a brief interaction during the holiday season6. Maybe you hold open a door for me. Maybe I get something off a high store shelf for you. Maybe we just pass each other on the street. As we part ways, you smile and say, “Merry Christmas!” In response, I say, “Hey, I don’t celebrate Christmas. I celebrate Chanukah! How dare you persecute my religion and pretend it doesn’t exist! If you want to say something to me, say ‘Happy Chanukah’. Anything else makes you an anti-Semite! Got it!?”

I’m supremely confident that if I reacted that way to you, you’d think I was a world-class idiot, and you’d be absolutely right.

Back here in Inclusive-Land, the overwhelming majority of HH/SG proponents, including me, don’t believe that HH/SG should replace MC. These statements are intended to enhance the holiday spirit embodied in MC. On a personal level, I appreciate when someone defaults to HH/SG over MC but I likewise never get offended when someone says “Merry Christmas” to me. Indeed, I’m thankful. As far as I’m concerned, all good wishes sincerely offered are deeply appreciated. It’s not the verbal package of the wish that matters. It’s the act of wishing. It’s the idea that someone is making that momentary, divine investment in conveying that sentiment. Given that Christmas is far and away the most popular holiday celebrated here in the US, it’s understandable that most people default to MC over HH/SG.

Additionally, people have no way of knowing I don’t celebrate Christmas, and they certainly have no way of knowing I’m Jewish.7 I’m not sure what the numbers are for observers of Kwanzaa, or for followers of Islam or other faiths in the US, but Jews only account for about 3% of the US population. Unless I’m wearing an LED-festooned Chanukah sweater bright enough to run ships ashore, crash airplanes, and trigger epileptic seizures, or I’m walking into a synagogue, it’s not realistic to expect anyone I don’t know to say “Happy Chanukah” to me.

I do, however, feel that public spaces can often do more to be inclusive. This is not to say that I expect stores in a shopping mall to have a 50/50 split of Christmas and Chanukah decorations (or 33/33/33 to account for Kwanzaa. Or 25/25/25/25 to further account for general HH/SG signing), but I can’t deny that if I walk into a store and they have NO Chanukah decorations or products, or they’re stuck on a single shelf in the back corner of the store (or if their signing is exclusively Christmas), I feel a bit disenfranchised. That doesn’t mean I have a hissy fit with the store manager, splatter angry social media posts all over the internet, and refuse to shop there EVER. It means I’m more likely to shop somewhere else.

“We shouldn’t have to have HH/SG or Chanukah/Kwanzaa signs, too! It costs money to make that stuff!” cry some business owners and corporate CEO’s.8

You know what? Tough. I’m 100% okay with stores having to spend a little extra money for additional, complementary signage, and they should be, too, for no reason other than it’s the right thing to do. It doesn’t take much to be inclusive. There’s nothing to lose by it and quite a lot to gain.

If you are offended by HH/SG, take some reflection time, figure out why, and then let it go. HH/SG is part of the solution, not part of the problem. You can be, too.

Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Season's Greetings! :-)

Thank you for reading.



1.      HH feels more user-friendly to me than SG. It rolls off the tongue a little easier (it may be just the alliteration), but they both send the same basic message. However, if we analyze both a little further, ‘Season’s Greetings’ is technically MORE inclusive since it can be addressed to someone who does not believe in or observe traditional holidays.

2.      As with virtually every other person on the planet who uses written English, I constantly have to either pause to consider, or rewrite the contextually accurate version of ‘their’. Some time ago, I came across a meme that reads: “Theiyr’re. Problem solved.”

3.     Chiefly espoused by right-wing propaganda-media.

4.     I discuss this OL in more detail in another post (

5.     Premeditated Denseness is first cousin to a concept that has gotten WAY too much traction in our trouble times: ‘Willful Ignorance’, which is basically the act of intentionally avoiding information you find inconvenient or that could make you liable in a given situation.

6.     Just to demonstrate that I’m not entirely immune to this nonsense, I deliberated over whether I should write “during Christmas”, “during the month of December” or something else more specific than “during the holiday season”. Then I thought, “Screw it! I’m going with ‘holiday season!’

7.      History has emphatically and conclusively taught us that requiring Jews to wear emblems identifying them as Jews does NOT end well.

8.      Don’t get me started on corporate morality, or more specifically, the lack thereof.



Saturday, October 31, 2020

Trump: It's Not You. It's HIM.

by Steven B. Orkin


Along with the newly-minted phrase ‘virus fatigue’, most people are suffering from ‘election fatigue’. They just want it to be over. I’m no different. It's exhausting and anxiety inducing, and this one is worse than others. In previous elections, there’s been a group of people, somewhere around 20% of the population, that polls, even at this late date, as ‘Undecided’ in terms of who they want to be President. My guess is that for this election, at this date, that number is no more than 5%.1

The stage is set. It’s full of termites, rats, rusty nails, rotted wood, oil slicks, spilled paint, frayed electrical wires, rickety staircases, loose lighting fixtures, roof leaks, and any number of other disasters waiting to happen, but it is set. There’s very little that can actually sway voters at this point. It’s all a matter of how many of them decide to vote, how many are able to vote, and how many of those votes manage to avoid suppression.  

So… If the stage is set, and there's nothing more to be done, why bother writing about it at this point?  

I’ve been deliberating for weeks about that very question, vacillating between driven and apathetic.

At the last, it comes to this: It’s the right thing to do.

Indeed, I find I can’t not write this post. I’m no activist, but I nevertheless feel an imperative to do what I can to address the impending catastrophe of another four years of Donald Trump and his sycophantic, hypocritical, enabling, codependent cult (or ‘Trult’ as I’ve been referring to them), formerly known as the GOP.2

I cannot overstate the importance of this election. It is without a doubt the most significant one of my lifetime. Indeed, it’s a serious contender for the most significant election in the history of our country. The very soul of our nation is at stake. Saying the stakes are high is like… well, you can insert any analogy you want, but make it an extreme one.

This post is intended more for his supporters more than his detractors. I accept that if you do support him, even if you’re not a hardcore constituent, you’re very unlikely to make it to the end, but I hope you have the courage and will to do so. I’m going to be hitting this really hard but you need to hear it. You need to consider it.

The core idea to understand is this: For various reasons, some of which we’ll be talking about, otherwise decent, capable, intelligent people end up in deeply dysfunctional, abusive relationships. Often, those relationships are with an individual. Sometimes, they’re with a demagogue running a cult. Donald Trump represents both.

At some point or points, either during or after such relationships reach their inevitable, destructive conclusion, most people on the receiving end of abusive behavior have moments of revelation (assuming they've survived, of course). They look at themselves in the mirror in amazement. They see their situation with fresh eyes, how destructive it is, how wrong and unjust it is. They see their partner or leader for who they really are and they find that person sorely wanting in virtually all areas. They say to themselves, “How the fuck did I get here?”

The answer to that question is that you have been seduced. You have been seduced by a narcissist3 who has done this before and will do it again. Like most such people, Trump is charismatic and, in his way, very resourceful. He knows how to make people do what he wants. He knows how to work a room. He knows how to tell people what they want to hear. He’s been doing it all his life. He knows what works. Consequently, he inspires nothing less than demagogic, cult-like adoration. He can do no wrong despite being wrong in virtually every way. This near-religious fixation defies rationality.4

Trump supporters often defend him with statements like, “Hey, it’s not a personality contest! He’s there to do a job.”

To which, I summarily respond, “Bullshit.”

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t overlook Trump’s dangerously deranged character flaws and actions and be okay with whatever you think is good. It’s the equivalent of being okay with a pedophile because he helps little old ladies across the street. Besides, Trump would convince the little old lady to sign over her bank account and then would have sex with her grandaughter. If he noticed her at all thereafter, it would be to mock her for being a ‘loser’ when she’s living in poverty begging for change on the street.5

 Character matters. It is impossible to analytically and objectively assess Donald Trump’s behavior and conclude that he’s a good man, and that he's worth supporting. No one can say, “I want to be like him.”, “I want my kid to be like him.”, “I’m okay with my daughter dating someone like him.”

 In light of all this, I’m sorry to say there are only two reasons to support Donald Trump:

  1. You are in a toxic, dysfunctional relationship with a narcissistic sociopath who happens to be the President of the United States and you are suffering from a kind of Stockholm Syndrome.6 
  2. You, like Trump, are a proponent of hate, lies, and chaos. I hope that’s not true. If it is, your long-term spiritual prognosis is very, very grim.

 Either way, you deserve better. You can have better.7

 I started thinking about doing this post right around the time Trump’s interviews with Bob Woodward came to light.8 I remember skimming across the news cycle with bemusement at how people were “shocked” that Trump knew how dangerous the virus was but “played it down” because he “didn’t want to cause a panic.” Surely, no one was really surprised by this. Surely, no one actually believed that explanation. As with upwards of 90% of what Trump says, there is often a tiny kernel of truth in it but it’s generally the equivalent of a dime in the ocean.9 It’s true that he “didn’t want to cause a panic”, but only because that panic would reflect badly on HIM. He's too arrogant and insecure to allow anyone to truly pick up the reins and address this problem in the way that it needs to be addressed. He doesn’t want to risk having anyone inconvenience him or his agenda. He can control Mike Pence. He can control Jared Kushner. He has limited control over Anthony Fauci. Any progress we’ve made in dealing with COVID-19 has been made despite Trump, not because of him. He desperately wants to make this virus go away. That’s exactly what he’s been trying to do for ten months. He will do and say anything to achieve this. Whether more people die is irrelevant. He cannot control the virus so it must be removed from the conversation. Addressing the challenges of the pandemic is far beyond his abilities. Therefore, he has no interest in solving any problems associated with it. He just wants to eliminate them. His selling point at the moment is basically that people are “tired” of the virus. They don’t want to think about it anymore and want to be left alone. Again, there is truth in this but that doesn’t make it true. People ARE tired. They DO want to be left alone. But here in Grown-Up Land, we don't get to absolve ourselves of the responsibility of attending to our problems, especially problems that are harming or killing tens of thousands of American citizens. Especially not when it’s your job to take care of those citizens. Responsibility means nothing to Trump. Responsibility is inconvenient. Control is what matters. Since he can’t control the virus, he has in recent days declared the pandemic “over”, despite rising infection and mortality rates across the country. It’s that easy. Problem solved! Such proclamations are symptomatic of much larger, deeper issues. We’ll get to them later.

Trump’s ‘noble desire to protect others’ doesn’t apply to peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, or any number of other people, groups, institutions, and issues that he disagrees with. Indeed, he has demonstrated a robust willingness to incite both panic and violence whenever it suits his purposes. Demonizing or dehumanizing protestors, the media, People of Color (PoC’s), and individuals who disagree with him elevates his standing with his base.10 Therefore, it's acceptable. Anything that serves Trump’s purposes is acceptable. Morality, integrity, mercy, compassion, and truth play no role whatsoever in his decision-making process. There is only one focal point: “What will it take to get what I want?” He approaches achieving his objectives with nothing less that absolute sociopathy. I can’t even call him Machiavellian.

For those of you who don’t know him, Machiavelli was a writer and philosopher best known for the concept that “The ends justify the means.” If you think about that statement, there’s a kind of deliberative quality within it, despite its moral bankruptcy. Machiavelli is essentially saying that it doesn’t matter how vile your methods are if your objective is sound.

Trump doesn’t care whether the objective is sound. He only cares that the objective – again – serves his purposes. There is nothing else in his worldview.

Though Trump is shockingly, fabulously, fundamentally stupid in the sense that he’s an anti-intellectual who has no patience (or possibly ability) for reading and is too disjointed in his thinking to express himself articulately, let alone formulate or keep up with actual, well-considered thoughts of others, he is cunning and not nearly as undesigning as he allows himself to be perceived. He makes outrageous statements, then shrugs his shoulders and explains, “It was a joke” when he’s taken to task for them. Here’s the thing: Trump (and his whole family, for that matter) is singularly humorless. His ‘jokes’ and ‘offhand comments’ should never be dismissed with an “Aw, that’s just the way he is’ sweep of the hand. They should ALWAYS be taken seriously. They reflect his intent and/or desires.11 

Truth is very inconvenient to Donald Trump. Therefore, he does not hesitate to dispense with it. Indeed, I do not believe he has any firm anchor to reality, let alone truth. He is too consumed by his own needs. He determines what he needs the truth to be, and then acts under the assumption that that IS the truth, defying all manner of factual evidence to the contrary. His basic credo is, “If I say it loud enough and often enough, people will believe it.” With regard to his base, he is often correct in this deeply cynical assumption, but even beyond them, he has been alarmingly successful in destabilizing truth in our society. I’d like you to take a moment to think about the staggering ramifications of that last phrase: “Donald Trump (with ample help from the Trult) has destabilized Truth in our country.”

Anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy to be disposed of, be they world-class newspaper, respected infectious disease expert, or 17-year old climate activist. Defiance is not permitted. He stomps on all such infidels without mercy or hesitation, doing all he can to undermine their credibility or otherwise dismiss or damage them and dilute their message. Whenever truth rears its ugly head, Trump creates smokescreens, chaos, deflection, minimization, manipulation, oversimplification, and diversion to dilute it. He is masterful at it. Trump is not only a chaos junkie. He is a chaos dealer. He thrives on it. It's how he does business. It’s his stock-in-trade, his currency. 

  • The fact that the primary stealers of American jobs is outsourcing and robotics is inconvenient. Blame the brown people. Much easier target. “Let’s build a big wall to keep them out!” Problem solved!
  • “The virus will go away by itself. In fact, it’s already over!” Problem solved!
  • “White supremacists aren’t the problem. It’s Left-Wing ‘Antifa’ that’s the problem.”

These are typical examples of oversimplification and deflection. Trump cultivates the impression that he’s a skilled negotiator and problem solver. He isn’t. He gets what he wants through intimidation and manipulation. He uses another playbook in addition to The Narcissist's Playbook. It's titled, 'The Gangster's Playbook'. He doesn’t have the skills to play nicely with the other children. Therefore, he cannot actually negotiate with anyone.

Those of you who know me (and if you don’t know me, all you have to do is read some of the other posts on this blog), know I’m generally all about the good stuff. I look for the best in things and in people. I consistently strive to be accepting and nonjudgmental. I believe in hope and in the power of possibility.

But not when it comes to Donald Trump. He is a thoroughly reprehensible person. In fact, he’s a diabolical scumbag, despicable down to the last molecule. I don’t want him serving me coffee, let alone running my country. He has no discernible positive qualities as a leader or as a man. Indeed, he is a cold-blooded, black-souled, backstabbing barrow wight with a sinkhole where his empathy should be, a catastrophically malignant narcissist and immaculate sociopath, a card-carrying, banner-waving racist, a morally bankrupt gangster who only ran for President as a marketing tool. He did not expect or even desire to win but quickly gorged himself on the power of having the office, so like any other glutton, he wants more, more, more. It will never be enough. There’s a lot of money to be made and besides, he needs the protection of the office to stay out of prison for all his financial malfeasance. If he can figure out a way to stay in power indefinitely and minimize or eliminate our governmental power structure, he will do so without hesitation. Much of his rhetoric and ‘leadership techniques’ are alarmingly consistent with those of Hitler and other dictators throughout history. Hate groups support him because in him, they see one of their own. He has no moral center. He has no integrity. He has no grace, humility, or dignity. He has no respect for the rule of law. He is 100% okay with the concept of fascism (so long as he’s at the top of the food chain, of course). It seems all but impossible to imagine, but the President of the United States is an overgrown, indulged, entitled, arrogant, immature toddler who is incapable of handling the responsibilities of his position.

Trump’s behavior is pathological to the extent that he is not really Human in the traditional sense. He can no more grow, change, or evolve than a shark can become a vegetarian. He does not care about this country, its people, or for that matter, his supporters. He despises you. You are nothing but nuts & bolts he can manipulate to – here’s that phrase again – serve his purposes. His catchphrase is missing a couple of letters. It’s not MAGA. It’s MAGAFM: Make America Great Again For Me (and my rich friends).

Though he did not create the deep-set problems of racism and other forms of bias in this country, he has served as Ringmaster for all of them. He has opened the floodgates and enabled the emissaries of hate to slither out of their slime pits into the light of day with pride and validation. PoC's and the LGBTQ+ community fear him with good reason. His level of failure in addressing racial discord in our country has been nothing less than spectacular.

Trump views our planet as alternately his treasure chest and toilet bowl. The number of environmental regulations he has rolled back during his time in office is staggering. He has stomped on renewable energy initiatives. He's a one-man global wrecking ball. His limited mind cannot grasp the concept of planetary stewardship for future generations. The notion of ecological catastrophe is inconvenient to him, so he dismisses it. There’s money to be made. If we have to kill off a few polar bears (or ALL the polar bears, and all the other wildlife in the Tongass National Forest and any other place we can exploit), so be it. Someone else will clean up the mess. Not his problem. 

He appeals to the worst of us, no the best. He is divisive, not inclusive. Hateful, not loving. Mercenary, not compassionate. Fear-mongering, not unifying. If you look deep into your heart with honesty and humility, you will have to admit to yourself that you know what he is.

We as a nation need to have the humility to accept that we made a terrible mistake. We put someone profoundly, clinically, mentally ill in the biggest job on the planet. He not only doesn’t care about anyone or anything other than himself. He is INCAPABLE of caring for anyone or anything other than himself.

In conclusion, it’s not melodramatic to say that this election is not about politics. It’s about stone-cold, archetypal, Grade A, top shelf Good vs. Evil, Order vs Chaos, The Rule of Law vs Anarchy, Democracy vs Fascism. We are on the verge of the latter on all counts.  

If you plan to vote for Donald Trump, you should reconsider. He is a clear and present danger to the welfare of the United States of America and its people, and to the world beyond our borders. His legacy is one of hate, lies, and chaos.

Is that who we are as a nation? Is that who we want to be? I don’t think it is. And I don’t think you do, either.

In just a few days, we have a chance to change our direction. We have a chance to get back to being a better, stronger, happier nation. We have a chance to get onto a better path, one lined with unity and possibility rather than fear and ignorance.

Let’s do that. Let’s take that better path. Let’s look up with hope, not down with disdain. Let’s work together to make America something to believe in rather than something to be pitied in the eyes of the world. Let’s make wrong into right and kick that sociopath and his pathetic Trult to the curb where they belong.

Vote wisely.

Thank you for reading.





  1. There’s probably a much larger percentage of the population who are wondering whether they should bother voting at all, making the ‘who to vote for’ question moot.  
  2.  The devastating actions (and inactions) of Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Trult cannot be overstated. Never would I have imagined that an entire political party could be enslaved to a lunatic. They are just as culpable (perhaps even more so), than Trump himself with regard to the challenges facing our country right now. Trump is mentally ill. That doesn’t excuse his behavior but it does explain it. The Trult should know better. They DO know better. They just won’t defy ‘Fearless Leader’. While I'm here, I'll give a hearty shout-out to social media for its contributions to our dysfunction. Check out the Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma' for a harrowing look at why that is.
  3. Up until fairly recently, narcissism was kind of a joke, something we’d say to describe someone who was self-involved or vain. We’re now developing a deeper understanding that narcissism is a diabolical and largely incurable clinical psychiatric condition, a form of mental illness. Having dealt with a narcissist in a work situation a few years ago, I’m here to tell you, it’s no joke. 
  4.  I’m still trying to figure out what the hell the evangelicals are thinking in so rapturously supporting him. He defies their ostensive values in every way. Donald Trump is devoutly irreligious.  
  5. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Mussolini made the trains run on time.”
  6. Wikipedia defines Stockholm Syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. The concept also applies to abusive relationships.
  7. I do want to be forthright and say that I don’t think Joe Biden is the ‘answer to all of our problems’ by any stretch of the imagination. I have misgivings and concerns about him, but the fact remains that on the worst day of his life, he would not come close to being as comprehensively destructive to the welfare of our nation as Donald Trump is at any given minute of any given day. He’s no great orator but it is not possible to rationally, objectively listen to what he says and conclude that he will “destroy America” or whatever gobbledy-gook Trump and the Trult may be spouting about him on Fox News (don’t get me started) or Twitter. Isolation and idolization are big parts of the Narcissist Playbook. Trump would have you believe there is no solution to any problem other than himself.  
  8.  I can’t help but wonder what possessed him to talk to Woodward, quite arguably the most notoriously tenacious and exacting journalist on the planet? It seemed self-destructive in a way that is uncharacteristic for Trump. 
  9.  Given that various reputable organizations have clocked Trump’s lies in the thousands over four years, it’s fair to say that if his lips are moving, he’s probably lying.
  10. I read recent commentary indicating that Trump’s core supporters don’t love him because he has actually done anything for them. They love him because he persecutes people they don’t like. There is a great deal of merit to this notion.  
  11. As of this writing, Trump’s latest incendiary ‘joke’ is that if elected, Biden would be “shot within three weeks of taking office.” He is well aware that his words can and do incite violence, and that it doesn’t matter whether he meant ‘shot’ as ‘exhausted’ (he didn’t) or literally shot (he did). He knows his devout supporters don’t care about such distinctions. His statement about Biden was a call to action. He will despise Biden for the rest of his life if he loses to him. He would find it satisfying if Biden were to be assassinated and would assume no responsibility for such an act of violence. Trump is not expressing concern for Biden or the country. He doesn’t care about either. He is not ‘making a joke.’ He is telling us in no uncertain terms that Biden deserves to be killed if he wins.