by Steven B. Orkin
The room is
dark and silent. There is a sense that this has been the case for some time.
The air is still; a light cover of dust has settled over everything.
After a
moment, a click echoes through the darkness as a key is placed in the entry
door and it swings open.
Steve steps
inside, closing the door behind him. Reaching for the dimmer switch beside the
door, he nods in satisfaction as the room lights to a dim amber, then purses
his lips contemplatively as he considers the space.
Moving to
the small kitchenette, he checks the stove to confirm it’s functioning
properly, then opens the fridge, blinking against the harsh light. Sliding a
bottled water free from the door, he closes the fridge and picks up the
telephone, nodding once again, and places it back on the wall. Next, he walks
over to the desk and powers up the laptop, giving it a thumb-up.
then," he says. "Looks like everything here is still in working order.
Let’s get to it…"
It seems incredible to me that nearly an entire year has
passed since I last posted. I continue to be astonished and dismayed by the
speed at which time flies. I have no concrete reason as to why it’s been so
long, so I’ll spare us all the embarrassment of apologizing and issuing
assurances about how hard I’ll try to write again more promptly. I can make no
such assurances. It may well be another year before I post again. I hope not,
but I can’t in good conscience deny the possibility. I’ll just let these
entries speak for themselves, no matter how long they take.
Though this significant amount of time has gone by, this
blog has never been very far from my thoughts. My lack of attendance to it
should not be mistaken for a lack of interest. Just the opposite is the case.
It is something deeply personal and meaningful to me, and I find the
inclination to “just post something” akin to chewing tin foil. As the months
have passed, I have continued to deliberate over what I want to talk about next
within its confines, but have not been able to focus in on a particular topic. Part
of the problem has been my ongoing struggle with what I deem to be the
confessional nature of blogging, over whether what I have to say here matters
in the slightest, and even if it does, whether anyone cares enough to bother
reading it.
As an individual, I am characterized by a rather reserved
demeanor. On most occasions, I’m inclined to be silent rather than speak.
Despite my sincere fondness for people in general, I’m difficult to get to know
well; I have a very hard time investing enough validity in my feelings to
warrant expressing them, and have great difficulty articulating them when I do.
I have what I consider to be a fairly rich and robust inner world, but this is
very likely not evident to a large percentage of the outside world. One of the
reasons I so enjoyed acting, and now writing fiction is the ability to become
someone else; to see the world through new and different eyes. These outlets
allow me to give voice to things I don’t feel I have the power to express in
and of myself.
This blog, however, is a step back in the direction of
myself. Perhaps it’s a sort of catharsis-inducing self-help tool to help me
find my way in this life. Though carefully crafted, there are no characters to
hide behind, no music of narrative and dialogue to dazzle and engage you as I
make my feelings known through the filter of story.
Perhaps I over-analyze…
Sue me. It’s my nature.
Our capacity as individuals to assess our own lives is
limited. Our inevitable emotional involvement mars the clarity of objectivity. Despite
this, I often find myself looking through my own windows in an attempt to
evaluate what I see. Unfortunately, my objectivity is further marred by what
seems to be a largely endemic proclivity of the Human psyche to dwell on the
negative. In light of this, my perspective on myself is unreliable, but it can
serve as a jumping off point for today’s post.
As we move through our lives, we face challenges. Some of
them are generated by external forces, but I think most are generated from
within. Very often, we can clearly see what it is we need to do, where we want
to be, and even how to get there. In fact, it’s never just one thing. It’s
several, of varying levels of importance: personal goals, responsibilities and
obligations, flights & fancies, etc. etc. etc. We make efforts in the
direction of achieving some or all of these benchmarks. Sometimes, we expend an
enormous amount of time and energy achieving them. Sometimes, it works, and
it’s all good.
But very often, something keeps those holy grails floating
just beyond our reach. Some variable, real or perceived, arises to obstruct our
line of sight, drag us down, immobilize us, or even send us sinking back down
the hill of progress to where we began, if not further.
Why does this happen? What are these chains that bind us to
who we are, rather than who we want to be? What internal forces persistently
conspire to keep us down? Why are we more comfortable with stasis than motion?
Why do we perpetuate our own negative behaviors even though we know they’re
destructive? Why do we stay in that relationship long after it’s over? Punch in
at that job we hate? Light up that cigarette? Wolf down that burger or pint of
ice cream, blow off that session at the gym, even though we know it’s all going
to catch up to us eventually?
There’s a lot of psychology that goes into it, much of
which boils down to the power of behavior, which etches grooves in our minds as
surely as a rivers carve them into the landscape. Changing those grooves is
almost as hard as altering the course of a river, and even after we do, diligent
maintenance is required to keep them shifting back into their old courses. Plus,
it becomes ever more difficult as we get older. For one thing, our behaviors
have had more time to set in; the grooves are deeper. For another, if like me,
you’re suffering from a mid-life crisis, it can be very difficult to put
yourself in motion and keep yourself there.
As a brief divergence, I’m going to take a moment to talk
about that phrase, ‘mid-life crisis’. Most people don’t give the concept much
credence. It’s usually sloughed off as a joke. Images of a 50-something guy
driving off into the sunset in his cherry-red Porsche with a blond bimbo at his
side come to mind. It’s more than that; a lot more, and it’s not exclusive to
men. In fact, I have found it to be an occasionally crippling,
existential-scope malaise that makes it very difficult to look across to the
horizon rather than down into the chasm. It’s a big deal, and should be taken
Anyway, my point is, you can teach an old dog new tricks,
but it’s a hell of a lot harder.
Further, our intellect is ever the bane of our emotions and
vice-versa. They have equal clarity at various times, but rarely at the same
time, and they routinely overpower each other. We meticulously analyze a given
circumstance and deduce how best to proceed, but our emotions wrap themselves
around our legs and keep us from striding forward. We are gripped with passion
for a particular path, yet our intellect rationalizes us into paralysis. That’s
bad enough, but it gets even more complicated because sometimes the opposing
force is correct and sometimes its not.
It’s a miracle anybody accomplishes anything.
So, what do we do about it? How do we get these forces to
meet and combine in an effort to move us forward? How do we shake off our
insidious and debilitating internal demons, reach for the next handhold, climb
the next step? Be more than we are?
Check the toolbox. You’re going to need a healthy dose of Intuition, which Merriam-Webster defines
as: “The power or
faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational
thought and inference.” (an excellent definition!)
It can help temper the combat going on between your intellect and emotions.
It’s the unclassifiable force within that tells you to take the other route
home, and you later discover there was a five-car pile-up that you probably
would have been part of. It tells you to make that phone call to the friend you
haven’t talked to for a while, only to discover they were at the end of their
rope and really needed to hear from you. It tells you to make that decision
you’ve been putting off and follow it through, even though you’re terrified
(regardless of whether it’s the wrong one or the right one). I believe that
pure intuition is 100% accurate. It’s a near-mystical force, perhaps the
closest link we have to the divine. The problem is that it’s not easy to hear
clearly. Our ability to receive it unfiltered is routinely compromised by the
pandemonium going on in our heads. Even if we do get it, there’s no guarantee
we’re going to listen. Learning to hone our intuitive powers is a life-long
enterprise, one that scant few ever achieve, but it’s a quest worth taking,
Next, you’re going to need what may well be my favorite
word: Audacity, which Merriam-Webster
simply defines as: “Intrepidly
daring.” It’s the quality that allows you to look
in the mirror and say, “I can do this. I don’t care what’s in my way. I am
going the distance!” It gives you the power to get out there and do exactly
that. Often, we have an inclination to think “Why me? There’s a million other
people out there who can do what I want to do a lot better than me, so why
bother?” Audacity enables you to take it from the other end. It’s not a
question of “Why me?” It’s a question of “Why not me?”
You’re also going to need another –city: Tenacity, which M-W defines as “Persistence in
maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired.” It takes courage to move outside your box. Fear of failure and
fear of success can be equally enervating. You have to fight on regardless,
armed with the knowledge that any motion is better than no motion. Tenacity enables
you to disentangle yourself from difficulty and/or defeat and move past it. It gives
you the grit to appreciate your small victories and see them as essential
components of the big picture, use them to keep moving forward; kind of a “journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step” situation.
Let’s add some –ty to the mix: Proactivity, defined by M-W as, “Acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.” Let’s boil it down a little more: Do it now. For me, the concept is
driven home by a scene from the inimitable Rocky III (Yeah, I know. I’m
really conveying my vast knowledge of and influence by the classics). In the
movie, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is badly beaten by Grade A Badass
Clubber Lang (Mr. T). He ends up training with his old opponent Apollo Creed
(Carl Weathers) for the rematch, but Rocky is basically suffering from PTSD;
he’s totally lost his mojo. He’s sparring or whatever with Apollo, who’s trying
to psych him up, but Rocky gives up and says something like, “Tomorrow. We’ll
do it tomorrow,” and abandons the session. Furious and disgusted, Apollo roars
after him, “There IS no tomorrow!!”
He’s absolutely right. There is no tomorrow. Do it now.
Procrastination is the antithesis of proactivity. It has wrecked more dreams
and lives than I’d care to imagine. I sometimes wonder how much farther along I’d be in this life if only I had
better command of my time. And I’m quite confident I’m far from the only person
to feel that way about themselves.
Lastly, we need Positivity,
defined by M-W as “The
quality or state of being positive”; an accurate,
if unimaginative definition. I checked a couple of other online dictionaries,
and they were equally vanilla about it, so I’d like to take a moment to
elaborate, since this principle is kind of a governing force of the others. If
you don’t have positivity, the other tools are likely going to give out sooner
rather than later. To illustrate the concept, I’ll share an anecdote about Thomas
Edison (one of my favorite such stories, actually), who, upon being questioned
about the fact that he failed a thousand times before inventing the light bulb
replied something like, “I did no such
thing. I discovered a thousand things that didn’t work.” This sentiment typifies
positivity. It is a fundamental ideological perspective which dictates that the
possible is more inherently likely than the impossible. It is pragmatic and
elegant; it opens doors rather than closes them. It does not preclude reality;
it enhances it. An absence of positivity ultimately leads to entropy. If you do
not have it, virtually all endeavors result in failure.
Well, sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Simply abide by my blathering and you’re all
But here’s the thing. Sometimes, your toolbox is not
enough. Sometimes, the forces working against you are too strong. Sometimes
that’s ultimately a good thing and sometimes it isn’t, but you must reconcile
that failure will sometimes occur no matter how badly you want something or how
right it is for your life. It will be up to you and your circumstances to
determine whether that failure is just a setback or whether it signifies a need
to reassess what you want and need.
The important thing to keep in mind is that you must not
allow the prospect of failure to dissuade you from your course. I realize I’m
once again displaying my rather flagrant idealism, but I truly believe that it
is the journeys that truly matter, not the destinations.
Breaking the chains that bind us is no easy task, no matter
who you want to be, what you want to do, or where you want to go. But it can be
done. And you’ll never know whether you can free yourself from them unless you
step up to the plate, face down that fastball, and take a swing.
Thanks for reading.